Tag: content development


Tips for More Effective Social Media Content

What once was a fun way for college students to send messages and share pictures has evolved into a major component in the marketing plans of companies and organizations around the world. Social media can be a powerful tool if you can utilize it to its full potential. “Content for the sake of content is pointless.” –Gary Vaynerchuk (2013). Jab

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How to Create Better Content In 2021

It’s hard to find a content marketer who doesn’t know how to adapt to change. Flexibility comes with the territory. But even the savviest among us have been thrown for a loop by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are coming off of a crazy year, and it’s hard to predict changing consumer trends when we can’t even reliably say what next
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Incorporating the Buyer’s Journey Into Your Content Marketing Strategy

Not every potential client or customer is at the same point on their buying journey. And if your content marketing strategy isn’t designed to meet them wherever they are, your message could end up meeting them at the “wrong place or wrong time.” That’s not to say that whatever content you do have isn’t working; we just want to envision

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